For those of you who don't know, Jason and I are now using my mom's cell phone. The other day at Lynnae's I couldn't find it. Jessica had taken it and put it away somewhere. So we called it. We found it in one of the drawers in the bathroom(thank goodness it wasn't the trash). Well, I decided that I wanted to hear the outgoing message because my Mom was the one who did it. This was the first time I have heard her voice since she died. I didn't realize how much it would affect me, but I instantly saw her face and wanted her close. What made me think that I could handle that? Anyway, I am so glad that it is there though because it is a little piece of her here with me all the time. It amazes me how much voices spark memories.
Can anyone think of a way to record that so we can preserve it longer than the cell phone plan?
2 months ago
You could try to call the company and see if there's a way to do it...I'm not sure of a way. Maybe just get one of the little hand-held recorders and put it to the phone...not sure if that would work though. I have one if you want to try it.
Good luck finding a way. Sounds like a great thing to have!
What if you put it on speaker phone and record it onto a tape or onto the computer??
We have a recording of Tyler on our answering machine that he left when he was traveling to the Dominican Republic. My wife will not let me erase it. I am sure we will keep it for the next two years. Cherish what you found and consider it a blessing and a love note from your dear mother.
What a great thing to be able to listen to, even if it is hard to hear it and long for her. I am glad you have that...I will have to ask my hightech brother in laws if that is possible to record, and I will let you know, if they know.
I wouldn't have been able to handle that, and she's not even my mom. I don't know how to save it. The speaker phone to record to the computer might work.
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