Last night Jason and I decided to take the girls to the Drive-In Theater. They were playing "Meet the Robinsons" and "Ratatouille"-I'm not sure I spelled that correctly. We had so much fun. In between the movies Cailyn and I ran around the open field right in front of the screen while Jason prepared for his meeting this morning. Jessica slept on the back seat of the van through both movies. That is probably one of the funnest ways to see a movie as a family.
Well, the first movie started at 8:00 and the theater is an hour away so we didn't get home until about 1:00 am. Jason had to be in Weatherford at 7:30 this morning for Bishopric meetings. The girls woke up at 7:45 and were geared and ready to play. Needless to say, "We are tired." But it was all worth it.
Our meeting time changed and we had to be in Granbury at 11:30 so we were doing things differently this morning than we are used to. We arrived to church in plenty of time, so we had some Sunday Morning Success. We need to try to remember that it can happen the next time we are struggling.
2 months ago
What a fun idea!!
hey, I didn't know you had a blog. I am behind on the blog thing but I am learning it is a pretty fun way to keep in touch. I look forward to seeing pictures from your Colorado vacation.
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