Alright, I am mad that it took Jason all of 30 minutes to put his list together, but it took me several weeks. I guess he just knows himself better than I know myself.
My sister-in-law, Jenny, tagged me a while ago. I have been thinking about it ever since. Sorry it has taken me so long. So, here it goes. Please keep your laughing to a minimum.
1. If I lay down(anywhere) for more than 10 minutes I can fall asleep. It doesn't really even matter if I have had a long hard sleep the night before followed by 2 naps that day, I can still fall asleep. Well, that is unless I am watching a movie. I can't fall asleep during a movie unless I consciously force myself. It can even be a movie that I have seen 100 times, I still feel a need to see the entire thing.
2. I am afraid of my own back yard. Last fall as I was raking leaves I found 2 snakes. Very small ones mind you, but any snake is a bad one in my book. We also have this pile of branches next to our back door that stands about 5 feet tall and I don't like walking next to it, so I don't go out there. We have a trampoline that has hardly been used this year only because I am afraid of my backyard. Silly, I know!!
3. I studied music for 4 1/2 years, but I prefer to be in silence. I don't know why, but I don't usually listen to music. I guess I like to form my own thoughts instead of the lyrics swaying me one way or another, although I can tune music out really well too.
4. I am intimidated by games. I love to play them with people, but I am afraid that somewhere in the process of playing the game everyone will discover how stupid I really am.
***Hey, tone down your laughing!!!****
5. I can count on one hand the number of times I have wanted to go shopping in the past year. I don't know why, but I can't stand it. I get bored with it easily. This is why I can never find a good deal. Even when someone tells me where to go for a sale, I can't find anything. So, I guess I am kind of like a man when it comes to shopping.
6. When I first met Jason I thought, "He would make beautiful children." Little did I know he would be helping make MY children. Was I right, or was I right?
Alright, I tag:
1. Tina
2. Kristy
3. Lynnae
4. Dad(yes, he is a blogger. Check out his page)
5. Julie
6. Heather
1 month ago
Actually, instead of laughing hysterically, I experienced several other emotions when reading your post (btw thanks for doing it!). First, I was so JEALOUS that you can fall asleep in 10 minutes, anytime, anywhere. It takes me at least 20 minutes to fall asleep, even if I'm really tired. Second, I think its really cool that you enjoy silence; it's a sign that you are comfortable with yourself and being immersed in your own thoughts. Totally admire that. Third, I'm sure Travis would appreciate it if I shared your disinterest in shopping. I LOVE shopping, but our slim bank account doesn't really appreciate it!
When I was listening to the video of Jess today, I was thinking about what a beautiful, sweet talking voice you have, and what a kind person you are. I love you Mindi, and I am so glad that you're my sister. -Jenny
Oh Mindi! How fun was that!!! No laughing here...was just fun to read more about you. I sure wish your backyard fears could's so fun to run and play there!!
Mindi! We think the world of you!!!
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