For several weeks now I have been pondering my purpose for my blog. There are many things I would like it to be or do.
#1 Keep everyone up to date on my family. Especially those that live far away.
#2 A documentation of my family. A family journal if you will.
#3 An outlet for me. Somewhere to write down my thoughts and struggles of everyday life.
#4 A way for people to get to know me(because "me" is always changing).
Last, but certainly not least.
#5 A place for others to hear my testimony.
There have been so many times when I write something or share an experience and I receive little to no feedback from my fellow bloggers. Most of the time it doesn't matter, but there are those days when I NEED to connect with others and I don't get to. Those days are hard for me. I guess one solution to feeling the need to connect would be to make a friend here and have play dates. I am just really uncomfortable introducing myself to new people. For those of you who know me it probably sounds weird, but I am pretty shy. OH to live closer to family!
1 month ago
Hey Min--I get ya on this. I know you don't think I could, but I do.
I hope I have responded in those times of need...
When I met you, I didn't peg you for shy, but maybe that's because we are family! :) I'm sorry I don't comment more often, but I love checking in on your posts and they are uplifting to me, so you better keep writing! I'm so glad you are coming to Boise in just six and half weeks. Can't wait to see you and meet Jessica for the first time. Wish Jason was coming too, still haven't met him. But we will have a blast nonetheless. Do you know when you get in, Summer's Bridal Shower is Friday, November 7th.
So what am I...chopped liver?! Just kidding ;)
I know, I feel the same way sometimes. It's very difficult with out a car too. I wish we could live a little closer together...then we could get together more often. Our kids have soo much fun together, but I do feel very thankful that we live this close and are able to do some stuff together.
I hope you find more people for play dates and stuff close to you.
I understand the desire to want to live closer to family!
Keep up all the good work that you are doing with your young children, your husband, and those many things that you don't blog about that I am sure that you do.
You state that you "would like" your blog to be those things . . . please know that your blog is already achieving all of those noteworthy goals. My reasons for blogging are very similar to those you listed.
Also, I am often reminded of good words and actions through others' blogs. I was recently reminded of the article by M. Russell Ballard, “Daughters of God,” Ensign, May 2008----if you get a chance, read it. It fueled a motivation for good actions and an awareness that I may be too hard on myself as a young mother.
You are very loved!
"Feedback" I love your blog; pictures of my beautiful granddaughters and descriptions of the daily activities. Keep it up.
That's crazy Mindi! I have never thought of you as shy. I looked up to all you fun outgoing girls when I was a little beehive in YW. But I definitely agree that it's hard to make new friends especially when you're married with kids. I've made some good friends at library story time. Plus it's something to look forward to every week.
By the way, I feel the same way as you do about feedback. I wish I got more on my show that people are reading it, but it's not all about people reading it, it's about getting it out of my system, like you said :) But, I agree that sometimes I just really want hear people's thoughts about what I'm saying. Most of mine are pictures I guess feedback isn't needed as much...
Anyway, just know how you feel and wanted to say that.
Well, I guess I never saw your shy side. Because the first time I met you, you were so outgoing and welcomed my sister and I into your's and Lynnae's bedroom to hang out...I thought you were awesome. I always looked up to you, because you were always so kind and outgoing, and you had such a strong testimony. Thanks for always sharing your feelings!
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