Tuesday, April 12, 2011

When at first you don't succeed, Try try again!

We have been in our new house for 3 and a half months and we have planted a garden and 3 fruit trees. We have 2 peach trees and a plum tree. In a couple of years we will have fruit a plenty. I will be doing some canning and am super excited.

This is the plum.

We had some onions already growing here when we moved in.

Here is Jason Rotor tilling the garden spot.

Then we had to get rid of rocks and grass/weeds. The kids LOVED this part.

Big smiles while playing in the dirt.

Cailyn was great at helping with the rake.

Necessary dirty stuff.

The stuff to be planted.

They were planted and currently growing.

We started small, and if/when successful we will grow.

1 comment:

Jenny and Travis said...

Jessica is looking so big! Way impressive that you guys are starting a garden and planting fruit trees. Fresh fruits and veggies will be so wonderful to have!! --Jenny