Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A Banker's Daughters

Whenever we have spare change we get the girls' piggy bank down and let them go to town saving their money. This is something that they both LOVE to do. They love to hear the sound of the money hitting the other coins. I think it is adorable. We haven't really ever given them the option of spending any of this money so it isn't like we are 'teaching' them to save, they just enjoy the process of putting the coins away.

A temporary moment of sharing. :)
Jessica finds this to be serious bussiness.
Cailyn having fun while saving $$$$.


Moore Fun Stories said...

That's really cute. Preston really loves putting money in his piggy bank, too. I thought I would leave it at his level until it got clogged with play dough. Love You.

Kathryn Cooper said...

that is adorable how excited they are about those little rattling coins.

Jenny and Travis said...

Maybe you and Jason could teach us how to put money in our piggy bank too. It seems like it's always going out but not much makes it back in. What great parents you are teaching your kids valuable lessons when they're so young.
- Travis & Jenny