Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Picture tag

This is kind of fun, but a bit too revealing. Oh well, here it goes.

The rules: Read after the last picture to see if you've been tagged....The rules are you have to take 10 pictures of the following things and you have to do it right away. No straightening, cleaning or wiping your child's nose (I mean it!). Then you tag six others.
The picture from my fourth folder, fourth picture.
Jason's Halloween costume always ends up in pictures, but never at a party or on Halloween.
What the kids are doing right now:

A few seconds ago they were both playing the piano. Seconds count!!
My bathroom:

You get my wall, enough said!
My dream vacation:

New York City or Venice
A self portrait:
I needed a beautiful baby girl to allow this to ever happen.
My closet:

Not my favorite place
Laundry room:

Can anyone make a fridge look good?
Kitchen sink:
I still haven't done the dishes today
My favorite room:
I love this room because there are no toys, no TV, and there's a piano in here! Practically Heaven on Earth.
My favorite shoes:
I guess this is kind of cheating, but I prefer to not wear shoes.
So, I tag: Da, Tonia, Geri, Jenny, Cassie, and Rachel(because I want to see how you capture your fridge)

1 comment:

Rachel Holloway said...

OH MAN! I'll see if I can get it done tonight! Might have to wait...:)