Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Sugar cookies

My girls are having a hard time adjusting to the time change. They are getting up an hour earlier than usual(the time they did before the clocks changed) and are geared and ready to play. Needless to say, I am not getting to sleep in at all. We are up and breakfast in our bellies before Jason leaves for work. This is very strange for us. Jess is usually up, but Jason typically just gives Cailyn a kiss before he leaves. Not anymore. So, I got busy cleaning this morning and by 9:00 the house was presentable. Of course I left out the most undesirable tasks(remember--kitchen floor and bathrooms), but everything else was done. This includes vacuuming and a load of laundry. As I was finishing getting ready for the day around 9:30 Jessica was ready to lay back down. With the kitchen clean and Jessica napping, I wanted to bake. So, I made some sugar cookie dough(with whole wheat flour--so yummy!) and set it in the fridge to cool. As soon as it was even close to being ready, Cailyn and I were in the kitchen rolling out our cookies. She quickly decided she didn't like to roll, just cut out. She was so cute, working so hard to cut them out and pleased with herself when it worked right. It was so much fun.
But, we weren't going to decorate them until after dinner and she refused to finish her meal and decided to go to bed early. This left Jason and me decorating our pilgrims and pumpkins. They aren't the prettiest things, but they will do.


Julie Gropp said...


Jenny and Travis said...

I think your cookies look great! I'm glad you and Cailyn had fun together doing it. Baking cookies is such a great holiday tradition! --Jenny

Rachel Holloway said...

What a fun project for EVERYONE to participate in!! :) FUN, FUN! Maybe when we move we will pull out the cookie cutters again! :)

Kathryn Cooper said...

Whoever came up with the time change obviously didn't have kids! Plus it's so much lighter in the morning so that wakes them up too! I put off the bathrooms and kitchen floor too. But I feel good about at least sweeping the kitchen and vacuuming and doing dishes. That's enough for 1 day.

Jenny and Travis said...

P.S. Have you heard the "Sugar Cookies" song by George Strait that country stations like to play around Christmas? If not, you should check it out sometime--it's really cute. --Jenny

Jenny and Travis said...

P.P.S. Here's a link to a youtube video of another band singing it if you want to check it out (though, of course, who could be better at it than George Strait?):