I pulled out my recipe book to look for a recipe that my mother used to make often when I was growing up. I found the recipe and instantly started crying. You see, she is the one who wrote it down for me. She had such beautiful handwriting.
I got to thinking. Christmas was a big moment without mom, but I managed just fine. But it was this little, simple thing that broke me. I find it interesting that the scriptures tell us by small and simple things are great things brought to pass, and it was a simple moment that made me feel so weak. I manage on a regular basis to handle the day to day tasks without losing it, I just wonder when big, life changing moments happen if I will be able to stand so strong. I can't help feeling jealous that my sweet baby David has talked and walked with Mom more recently than I have. I wonder what their conversations were about(I probably don't want to know).
I miss her to the point of pain today. The kind of pain only my mother can rid me of.
1 month ago
Oh deary, I love you. I wish there was more I could say. i wish I could be there to give you a hug too. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Hang in there Mindi. Your baby boy is so lucky to get to know your mom. I love you and I'm here to talk whenever you need to.
I am so sorry you are having a hard day. I wish I could give you a hug and be there for you to talk too. We love you, and continually pray for you and your family. How sweet to think that your baby was able to see and be with your mom. Hope today is better.
My heart is with you. I understand what you mean about the little things sneaking up on you. When I was in highschool my best friend was killed in a car accident (nothing compared to losing a mother, please know I'm not comparing). She had recently moved to a different school and asked me to pick up her honor choir cd when it came in. While I was at work someone who didn't even know Dana but had been in honor choir asked if I knew when the cd's were coming in. I LOST it. One little simple question and I blubbered for hours in the back room.
I have a feeling you will always be able to be strong when it counts, when it's something big like you were saying. Maybe the little things get us so that we CAN be strong for the big things.
What a blessing to love someone so much. And to be loved so much, I feel the same way at odd times weird isn't it. Thank you for expressing some of my feelings.
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