I found myself with a few extra minutes the other day so I clicked on the "Ask Anything Blog" link on my side bar. I have missed many posts because of recent events, but just thought I would catch up a bit. I usually find it quite informative or entertaining. However, this time I found it crude and offensive. There have been many questions posted that I don't read the comments because of the content, however this time there was only ONE question out of about 10 that didn't offend me. Usually the question is pretty vague, but the comments turn R-rated. But not this time.
Ever so slowly the questions and comments have started to attack my Faith. I was sitting there reading a post that directly attacked my religion and Faith and got this very strong impression that I needed to leave this site and never return. I KNOW that the Spirit was speaking to me, so how could I ignore. I instantly removed the link from my site, but then felt that wasn't enough. I needed to apologize to everyone for having a link on my site that could invite evil into your homes(it did start out very clean and appropriate).
I don't want to become too preachy, but I just want to share what I have learned from my experience the other day. I want to testify that Satan is smart and conniving. He looks for opportunities to seep into peoples lives and homes. He saw that blog and took advantage of the innocent bloggers seeking help from one another. He works so slowly that we don't even notice the change until we are trapped or addicted to his evil. I really think that it helped me to have been missing the posts on that site for so long, because then I could notice the change more easily. It is really scary how easily Satan creeps into our lives. I thought that I was being safe on-line from Satan, but I realize now that I need to be more cautious and live really close to the Spirit to recognize the subtle evils. I hope that I haven't' offended anyone, but I feel very inspired to share this with you.
I know that my Savior lives. I know that Joseph Smith is a Prophet of God. I know that the Gospel is true. I know that Thomas S. Monson is a Prophet of God who leads and guides us. I know the scriptures are true. I know that Heavenly Father loves each of us and He is aware of each of us individually. I feel the Spirit comforting me and helping me to make correct choices. I pray that I can always be worthy of His companionship. I love you all for your friendship and prayers for me and my family.
1 month ago
Mindi did you know that you are a beautiful person? A person with character and integrity. Thank you for removing the link and more so for sharing with us why and how the Spirit spoke to you. Please don't apologize for sharing your testimony, it is glorious and wonderful. I know you would not apologize to the Lord for doing so, so why to man? When the Lord speaks to our soul if we are listening we react promptly. I love that you cared enough about each of us to share what you learned wrapped into a wonderful testimony. You have done exactly what Elder Ballard has asked us to do with our blogs (http://newsroom.lds.org/ldsnewsroom/eng/news-releases-stories/using-new-media-to-support-the-work-of-the-church) to make it a missionary opportunity. You may not know just how many lives you will touch with this action. We love you so much.-Sheryl
I felt that way too--as soon as the post about religion came up with all the comments, I deleted from my sidebar. That was last week--but it has spiraled downward, quickly. How terrible, for everyone involved--especially those that are desensitized to what is going on and WHY. I read through some of the comments last night from the past few entries as I was catching up on blogs and was SHOCKED. I too am through with it--and THAT feels good.
What a wonderful thing you were able to recognize and ACT upon those feelings. I know you are protecting your family and taking steps to keep them safe from those evils. Thanks for your example and sweet spirit,
Hi Mindi, My family just sent me an email about your Mom's condition. I'm so sad. I wish there was something that I could do for you. <3 Sarah
Hey Mindi, I saw your comment on Sarah's blog. I hope you don't mind I came on over to see how things are going for you. We'll be praying for you and your family!
Never be ashamed to share your testimony. It is a beautiful and powerful one. You are an inspired, awesome lady. Thanks for sharing your feelings, and setting the example to follow the promptings of the spirit!
okay blogger is being weird so I don't know if my comment post so if it didn't here it is again.
Good for you!!! Thanks for setting a good example. Also thanks for sharing your beautiful testimony. You are awesome and I love you.
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