I had a great day yesterday. The girls and I were productive and happy. We went grocery shopping in the rain, prepared a meal and got Family Home Evening ready without any complications. We played and giggled. I got to have about a 15 minute nap that was just enough to keep me going and motivated on my goals, but too long to make me groggy. Cailyn was a great helper and Jessica was happy and smiley.
Then today hit us. There was a loud thunder storm early this morning, so the girls ended up in my bed. Jessica wouldn't sleep more than 20 minutes at a time all day long. Cailyn was hyper and loud all day. She couldn't slow down enough to listen to me, much less do what I had asked her. I had an extra baby today who would start to cry before his bum even touched the ground(NO EXAGGERATION!). He did take a nap in my arms for about 10 minutes, but as soon as I bent down to lay him in the crib he woke up and refused to go back to sleep. This prevented Cailyn from receiving a nap(and me--which I so wanted), so she was a very tired, hyper 3-year old(if that makes sense). Jason had previously told me that he was staying late at work to do homework, so I was anticipating that one. But that doesn't really make it easier, just expected. Needless to say, I never got a shower today. I don't know why, but that just makes me feel like a lazy person. Not that I am, because I certainly did plenty today, but I never got myself ready. I am literally still in my pajamas. It really bothers me when that happens, because it just keeps me down all day.
So I guess my point is I am confused that I can go from the happiest person on this Earth one day, to totally depressed the next. How is that possible. It usually takes a while for me to be this down after a day like yesterday. My emotions(probably hormones) are totally random and strong. There really isn't any middle ground. I feel either complete joy or utter despair or raging anger. Not much gray. Is there something wrong with me, or are my hormones just trying to level out after having Jessica and nursing her for 10 months? I am not really wanting an answer, just thinking out loud.
Sorry for the downer post, but I need to unload and I don't want to burden Jason any more than necessary. He is currently off with Cailyn to get a pizza(we never do that, but I requested it and he obliged) and Jessica is already in bed. So, I am using this spare time to release my frustration from the day.
On a positive note--Jessica's record right now for the most steps taken without holding on to anything is 5 steps. She is constantly trying to walk to things now. It is very exciting!
Again, sorry for the sour mood.
1 month ago
DON'T BE SORRY FOR YOUR MOOD. If we are all totally honest, we all would admit that we have days like this. I know what you mean about not being in the middle. I am the same way. I either have a great day or a lousy one. Maybe its just my perspective because I always think the glass is half empty with dirty water in it...I am not kidding. Look on the bright side...tomorrow will be a great day...can it really get any worst than today? Thanks for sharing because sometimes I get tired of reading about everything being so perfect and happy in all the blogs I read. Its good to see people have bad days like me too. That sounds horrible. I better shut up right now before I insert my foot in my mouth anymore and look like a total idiot. I love you and hope tomorrow all the kids nap for 4 hours straight, you get a nap somewhere in that time period and have an awesome day too.
Love ya,
P.S. Way to go Jason on giving Mindi a break...aren't husbands the best!!!
What a day! Somedays I think "I've got this motherhood thing figured out" and then something happens to make me realize that I never will. A good day for me is having a decently clean house, healthy kids and a little bit of quiet time for me. Is that too much to ask? On some days--yes! Today will be better.
Mindi--I am SO sorry for the rough day. I think you DEFINITELY have a right to go from happy to furious! :) I certainly do. And really, I don't know that there is always a reason...just sometimes things are goin' on and our body can tell! Like, I have felt TOTALLY LONELY lately...even though we have seen people and tried to do things with others...I just feel like I have nobody...nobody that is a real friend here. It's all just SO fake and drives me nuts--but I can't really write about it on my blog because I did once and a girl here reamed me for it because she said SHE was my friend and I had no right to say such things...but I still feel that way.
Sounds so silly...huh?
I am glad Jason went for pizza...sometimes that is a NECESSITY! Am gonna call you--in a minute! :) Have missed talking to you for a few days!
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