Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Vaughnster

It dawned on me that I have never posted pictures of the kids I watch. Wow, I wonder why. They dominate my life when they are here, they really should be dominating my blog many days. So today I am dedicating this post to "The Vaughnster".
Things I have learned about Vaughnster the Monster:
1. He doesn't know how to fuss. He goes directly from happy to screaming.
2. His drool is constant and EVERYWHERE!
I seriously find puddles on the floor all the time. Gross!
3. He has almost all of his teeth, yet he prefers to eat from a bottle(jar of food mixed in with his formula was the instruction I received--I am currently trying to train him to eat from a spoon).
4. He only wants a toy if it is currently being played with by another child.
5. Bathrooms are his favorite place and can sense if the door is open from across the house.
6. He loves to tackle other children and occasionally bites.
And most importantly. . .
7. He has a contagious smile.
I will eventually learn all the tricks to this kid, but in the meantime,
I will try to focus on his smiles.

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