Saturday, May 3, 2008

Jessica's walker

Last night we gave this little walker to Jessica and this was what happened. This was literally her first time using this thing. Needless to say we are even more excited for her to walk than before. She is pretty good at it now. She used it many times last night and basically sprinted(extremely fast crawling) to it this morning. Obviously she doesn't know how to turn it yet, but by the time she can do that she won't need it anymore.

Cailyn was a bit jealous of the attention Jessica was recieving and started demanding some for herself. We are going to have to work on that. Any suggestions? We give her lots of one on one time, but when Jessica is getting the attention she forces us to look at her or talk to her. I am not sure what to do. I feel that Jessica deserves just as much attention, but I don't know how to include both girls without Cailyn thinking it is all for Jessica(like if I ask Cailyn to help her or play with us, etc.).


Rachel Holloway said...

Darn it! I was hoping someone else had commented first and I could see what advice they gave. This is a super tough one! I still don't know if I am balancing in this area! :)

But hooray for Jessica! What an exciting accomplishment!

On Our List said...

Way to move those chubby legs Jessica!!! She is such a doll!!!


Lacy said...

hmmm, Our age gap is alot wider than yours so it may not work the same way, but in our house Jadelyn is escited to be involved with Jordan as long as She gets to be the main person. She wants to be the one to make him laugh, or help him sit, or clean his face. Maybe you could phrase things a little differently like, Jessica, Cailyn wants to show you how she can walk lke you, can you show her how its done. or something like that. i don't really know, she'll gow out of it as long as you are blancing your time attention which you are. She just needs to know that they are both special. She'll get it, 'm sure you're great.

Steven & Adrienne said...

Fun pictures of the girls! And don't you love walkers! I had the same problem with my children still wanting attention when we play with our baby! For us this works... If we are filming Tyson, then after we are done we film each kid doing whatever they want. They seem to love it. So maybe the key is just praise them for something they are able to do, right after your baby accomplishes something! Even after 4 kids I am still struggling with this good luck!