Friday, May 2, 2008

Article of Faith #4

Obviously this one took a little longer, but here it is. She needs a bit of prompting to get started, but I think she does a pretty good job. I am so proud of her. There are times when I am doing a chore and I hear her in the other room practicing all of her Articles of Faith. What a smart little girl.

Don't you just love her bracelets. They remind me of Madonna or Cindy Lauper in the 80s. Cailyn cracks me up. :)


Bennett Fam said...

Great Job Cailyn!! Yes, the braclets are totally 80's. They were also the first thing Madalyn noticed as she watched the video of Cailyn. So cute! Keep up the good work. ;-)

On Our List said...

Way to go Cailyn!!! Gotta love the bracelets...she is so much cuter than Madonna and Cindy too. Great job in teaching your children gospel principles. You are an inspiration.


P.S. I hope the insurance claim goes through quickly and fully so you can get your roof fixed.

Jenny and Travis said...

Great Job Cailyn!! She must have been influenced by your recent 80's music quest with the bracelets there. =) What a sweet, smart little girl she is! --Jenny