Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Finally, Halloween pictures

After a week of pretty cold temps and grey skies, Halloween day was beautiful. That morning Brandon went to school to study while Travis did his interview. The kids, girls and I dropped Jason off at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and then drove over to the West side Market . It was amazing. Any kind of fruit you could think of was there. Delicious dried fruit(including strawberries and peaches, which are my faves), any kind of grapes you could want, and free samples. After hitting the fruit and veggies, we went into another building that had fresh meat, cheeses, and bakeries. It was food heaven. I even found some cheese curds(aka squeaky cheese). I think I could spend a small fortune in that place everyday and never get tired of it. There was such a HUGE selection of just about anything you could ever ask for and it was all so delicious. It is a hidden blessing that I don't have that market close to me, we would be fat, happy, and broke.

After retrieving Jason we drove out to a pier overlooking Lake Erie. We just shot a couple of pictures of the kids because it was lunch time and we all know how kids get when they are hungry(really it was this fat pregnant lady who was hungry, but when you can blame the kids, why not?).

After some delectable inside out cheeseburgers we got the kids ready for some trick-or-treating. Once the kids were ready to go, the guys went to a Reliant K concert and the girls and kids and I headed down the street, bags in hand ready to be filled with way too much candy. I am sorry to say that I didn't get very many pictures, but if you head on over to Rachel's blog you can see more(there is a link on my side bar). Cailyn and Jenna were matching Fairy Princesses, Jessica was a princess(I guess), and the boys were monkeys. They all looked so adorable. When we started out the boys were in a stroller and the big girls were prancing from house to house while Jessica and I were trailing behind. We were at least 2 houses behind everyone almost the entire time. She was hilarious too. Of course she can't say trick-or-treat yet so I did that for her. Then the nice people sitting on their porch would drop some candy in her bag. Then Jessica would flash her cute little dimple and put her hand in their bowl again for more candy. Everyone just said, "oh you sweet thing, of course you can have some more." Then Jessica would blow a kiss or wave goodbye, content with her double dipped amount of candy. She made it about 2/3 the way walking, but then was very happy to be put in the stroller. Cailyn and Jenna were too cute almost dancing to each house, being absolute certain that they said, "Thank you, Happy Halloween" to each person, and then hysterically tell us(in a high pitched voice of course) that they were given more candy. I feel very confident in saying that they all had a great time.
Halloween Success!!!!


Rachel Holloway said...

Way to find the good in NOT living here!! You make me laugh!!! :)

Jenny and Travis said...

Great pictures Mindi! It was soo nice to see you and get to know you a little better too! I too wish we lived closer together--I can see us being close friends. =) (Well, we'll just have to call each other more often until we live closer together!) Maybe we can all end up in Cleveland, or at least be a little closer to you in Arizona (we'll just have to see). Thanks again for the maternity clothes, and for your sweet comment on our blog! You are such a loving person. Love, Jenny