Monday, November 3, 2008

Trip to upstate New York

This past week we were in Ohio, but Monday we loaded up the cars an headed to Palmyra, New York. I can honestly say that fall is a beautiful season---Now that I have actually seen a fall. We drove for a couple of hours and the kids needed a break, so we stopped at a rest area. It was beautiful and the kids had a great time, even with the cold temps.
This is at the rest stop, gorgeous huh?
This is sweet little Jenna, isn't she beautiful?
This is Brandon, Jason's brother, climbing two trees at once. How cool is that?
I just wanted to squeeze adorable Spencer every time I saw him.

Jason's brother and sister-in-law rented a house in Palmyra and when we got everything unloaded we headed over to the Sacred Grove. We tried to get some family pictures, but the girls weren't exactly cooperating. Oh well, we will have to try again sometime when we can feel our fingers and noses. Somehow I managed to get out of there without a picture of Cailyn. I know, terrible mom.

The next morning we had appointments for sessions at the Palmyra Temple. I forgot to bring my skirt so I had to borrow Rachel's. It was quite comical because we had to switch in the restroom in the temple and her skirt didn't exactly match. Thank you Rachel, it was nice to be able to attend the Temple.

That afternoon Brandon and Rachel took the kids to fabulous children's museum in Rochester while Jason, Jessica and I went on some tours. I was so glad to have had the chance to see and walk in the same places as Joseph Smith and his family. I was surprised at the size of their homes. Much bigger than I imagined, but still pretty small for the number of people living there.

Most of the furnishing in these homes are replicas, but that chair is an original of Lucy Mack's. Way cool!!!
Our original plan was to head to Niagara Falls, Ontario for the next night. However, Jason and I failed to bring our birth certificates to get across the border(we had to call several people at the hotel to cancel our reservations), so we stayed in Palmyra another night. Because the weather was so cold, we headed to the visitor center at Hill Cumorah the next morning. We spent quite a while inside before we headed out to the hill. We tried for more family pictures, but I think Rachel has those so we will have to check her blog for them(her pictures are better than ours anyway). On our way out the front Jessica fell down the stairs and needed some mommy cuddles(and a fresh diaper) so she and I didn't make the trek up the hill. It was absolutely beautiful though.

I am so happy we made the trip up to these sites(we went to Kirtland also and as soon as I find those pictures I will post them), even if the weather didn't cooperate with us. It is definitely something I want to do again, possibly in the spring.

1 comment:

Rachel Holloway said...

WOW!WOW!WOW! YOU ARE SOOOOOO FAST Mindy! I can't believe you already blogged about the trip! JEEPERS! SO impressed.

It was SUCH a fun trip--I am SO glad you guys came. Jenna prayed tonight that you guys would come back...and I sure hope so! Spring sounds great! :)