Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Cool Red Button

I have two things that made me smile today(well actually MANY, but only 2 I am going to share at the moment).

#1 The vacuum was in the living room still plugged in from a run in there before naps and right after I changed David's diaper he thought it looked interesting. Everything else on the vacuum was grey or blue(BORING), but there was an interesting bright red button right where he could reach, so he did. Wow the look of alarm on his face as he pushed the unknown button was priceless. I had a hard time stopping my laughter. He and Jessica(who was also quite interested but knew better than to touch something she didn't know) both jumped and had a mad dash for me. It didn't actually turn on all the way, just started to. I was laughing and so with their relieved hearts they did too. Then it turned into a game. Who would have the courage to push the red button again? Jessica would get really close and then stand up and look at me saying, " I just can't, Mommy." Eventually, David did it again and the we had the exact same reaction(even with the knowledge of what would happen). I love moments like this one that make me belly laugh!

#2 I have a clean vacuumed carpet in the living room! :)

Blessing for the day: Children I can laugh and play with.


Rachel Holloway said...

OH BOY! I bet that was a TOTAL shocker!!! I think I would have laughed hysterically too :)

YAY for clean carpets and really good laughs!

David and Anita Holloway said...

What a priceless post. It's so important to count our blessings and to laugh and enjoy life and beautiful people around us. Thanks for the reminder!