Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Museum Fun!!!

We spent this past week in Waco visiting my Mom. I tried to get the kids out of the house as much as possible. Mostly for everyone elses sanity, but the kids needed it too. My parents have a membership to the museum in Waco and they have a great children's section. I took my dear friend, Heather's kids with us and met my good friend Carrie and her family over there. My Dad got us in for almost free and we spent several hours playing and wearing out the kids. We had a great time. So, the pictures are all from the museum.
Our first stop at the museum was a visiting exhibit. It was really cool. They had pyramids for you to build and a boat to steer. They had star gazing with telescopes, space shuttles to fly, maps to read, and a visit to the jungle with a tent complete with sound affects.

Aiden is busy putting together a pyramid. He was doing a great job too.

The Forehands(Carrie & Brad and their two little boys-Aiden & Calvin)

Madelyn, Ethan, and Cailyn were taking a lunch break after a long day of the jungle.
The kids navigating their way through the ocean.
"I wonder where I will go on my mission?"
Next we visited the mammoths. Near Waco they found Mammoth fossils and they have built a replica of the site in the museum. As you can see, we are standing on a glass/plastic floor and looking at the mammoth bones under our feet. The kids weren't sure they wanted to walk out there.
Calvin wasn't sure he was comfortable walking out there.
Everyone is watching the little video of what the scientists think happened to the mammoths.

Everyone took turns in the stroller.
Another stop at the museum was the cabin. I thought it was very interesting that the boys were building cabins with the blocks while the girls were dressing up and washing clothes. Anyone who thinks that society is embedding in our children the roles that they should play hasn't watched children play.

This is Cailyn and Madelyn washing the clothes.

Here the boys are busy building a cabin.

Cailyn milking the cow.

Cailyn wanted to take a nap I guess.

Madelyn is getting dressed for the day, while Cailyn starts to cook breakfast.

Madelyn dressing as a prairie girl.

Cailyn dressing as a prairie girl.

Jessica had fun dressing up also.

This is my good friend Carrie(she makes a beautiful prairie girl, huh?)

Ethan is a cowboy about to go work in the fields.
Next stop: The little town(I forgot what it is officially called, but the kids LOVED this part)

All aboard, and stay seated while we are driving.

I think Ethan is in some pretty intense traffic, look at his tongue as he concentrates.

Don't you know that jaywalking is illegal, Jessica?

Watch out for Aiden, I here he is a reckless driver.

"Come on Cailyn, there is a fire we need to stop!"

Cailyn, Madelyn and Ethan did a lot of shopping and cooking in the little house. They had a blast playing "house" with all the stuff for it.

Jessica was adorable as she walked around mostly watching all the other kids, but occasionally found something that sparked her interest. ( I got a bunch of random pictures of Jessie; probably because she was the only one slow enough for me to get a good shot of)

Our final stop was in the multicultural room. The kids had a great time trying on clothes from different countries.


On Our List said...

What cool pictures and what a fun trip to the museum. I will have to check it out next time I am down there.

Love ya!!!

Rachel Holloway said...

WOW! Longest post in jmholloway blog history! LOVED IT! Loved all your pictures and it looks like it was a TON of fun! I am so glad you have been able to spend so much time with your mom...what precious memories you are making for your girls!

Lacy said...

what a great museum! Looks like they got some real educational fun happenin. Glad you got to visit your mom, and the fun museum.

Steven & Adrienne said...

How fun! I didn't even know Waco had a museum. I will have to go there sometime. Hey are you going to be around Waco this weekend, or next week! Let me know and I will come and see you!!

Cassie and Mark said...

So fun! Children's museums are great! It's nice to let the kids have plenty of room and opportunities to explore. Jessica is sooooooo cute!

Jenny and Travis said...

You and your girls are so beautiful! I love Cailyn's dress. Why don't they make things like that for gals our age? And I must say that Jessica makes a mighty cute little pioneer girl. It was fun to see all of these pics of y'all, especially of Jessica walking around. You never cease to inspire me, Mindi. We can't wait to see you guys in July! --Jenny