Tuesday, April 7, 2009

New weight loss program

I have decided that I am going to take advantage of breast feeding. I have heard that babies don't like the taste of chocolate so I have eliminated that from my diet. I have heard that they don't like the taste of pepperoni so I am TRYING to eliminate that(I do live in a Holloway house so this one is difficult). Most of all I have noticed that David has really bad gas problems when I eat or drink dairy products. So, this means no milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, ice cream. NOTHING! I am going through some withdrawals. I LOVE milk, cheese, and ICE CREAM. However, it is not worth the discomfort of my infant. It is not just discomfort, it is more pain. He wriggles and screams with pain after I have had a dairy product. So, I figure that if I MUST eliminate those things from my diet, I am going to take advantage of it and work really hard to lose weight. It will come off faster that way right? I am working out and watching what I eat so lets stand back and watch me get thinner. Wish me luck!!!!!! I guess I need to thank David for being such a picky eater.

Blessing #2 for April 7, 2009: A picky Breast Feeder


Brittnee said...

Good Luck, if only the weight loss road was easy! Beautiful picture by the way. Love ya.

Waco Gropp said...

I have always been impressed by your persistence in archiving you goals. You have always been able to do what you worked hard at. Stay healthy and Get-er-done.

Steven & Adrienne said...

Good luck, I know you can do it. And wow I don't know if I could cut all those things out, I love all of those so much...you are an awesome mother to do all of that!!

Kristi Clinger said...

What a positive attitude you have about that! Good for you. One of friends had to do the same thing and it does make a difference for the baby.
I wish you luck on your weight loss journey and I'll be joining you soon.

Christine said...

what a great way to look at your situation! You will be blessed for putting that sweet little one first. Eric is on a no treats kick right now too. He can sympathize with you.