Friday, April 10, 2009

Seeking Help

I need ideas. Lots of ideas! I am having a hard time finding foods that don't have dairy in them that we eat. There are only a handful of things. I can't even eat Ranch dressing on my salad without setting David off into pain. HELP! So please send me some ideas and/or recipes that don't use dairy. I am suffering here(alright that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but I do need help).


Rachel Holloway said...

That is super tough! Are you able to use SOY products instead?

Um...stirfry is always yummy...

and...beef and broccoli


(or do eggs count as dairy?)


teriyaki chicken

sloppy joes

barbecue beef or pork sandwiches

flank steak and roasted red pepper torillas

gosh--this is hard, and I probably haven't given you anything new...

hmmm...well let me know how it goes!!

Ariana said...

I guess it's lean meat, rice and veggies for you! That must be hard. Even snacks have dairy! But there are so many nice things you can do with veggies: sauces, saute, bread and bake. I understand how you feel about the cheese. I am lactose intolerant and it took me awhile to weed out all the hidden dairy from my diet. You can do it!
Snack Ideas:
Fruit and peanut butter
Tray of veggies cut up with Italian dressing to dip
Fat Free fig newtons (my fav nursing snack)

Lunch or Dinner Ideas:
Pasta with red Sauce
Fajitas (minus the sour cream, but add lots of guacamole!)
Rice, black beans and lean burger with a sauce packet from Kroger! We like it with the Fajita seasoning. Not too Spicy, but so good.

I would send this over email, but I don't have yours! Email me and I'll share my google menu calendar with you. I put my menu up (or try to) every week with links to recipes in the details and a lot of them are dairy free. Here's my email in long hand to avoid spam bots:
mattlovesariana at gmail dot com
You are doing great!! Oh how we sacrifice for these little tiny babies! So worth it though (sorry for the super long comment)

Cassie and Mark said...

Hmmm.....that's a tough one. Grilled chicken, spaghetti without parmesean, tacos with no cheese. I will keep thinking. I have a nephew who had a milk allergy a few years ago so I will ask his mom for ideas. Good luck!

Unknown said...

I'd try the soy route and see how your son does with that. Good luck!

(use a vinaigrette instead of ranch)

themojicaspecial said...

this is a friends blog. she and her kids can't have dairy. we eat lots of mexican with out cheese and i now love it. i don't even want yougert and hardly eat cereal anymore. lots of eggs and oatmeal for breakfast. my eat cereal with soy milk (vanilla silk) it really isn't too bad. i perfer to eat my oatmeal with it.
sara lee bread doesn't have milk in it. it does take some getting used to but i have never felt better. i have to admit i do have some dairy but my tummy gets upset. i swear it is something in the milk now or the shots that causes this allergy. call me i'd love to talk.