This week has been very interesting. Wednesday night Cailyn woke up and came to sleep in our bed with us. She hardly ever does this, so when she does, we usually let her. All of a sudden she gets out of bed and tells me that she needs to go stinky in her diaper. She does this in the bathroom so she starts walking down the hall and halfway there she throws up twice. Remnants of her dinner are all over the hall and she is screaming and crying. Jason takes her to the bathroom and comforts her and I proceed to clean the hallway(we are blessed to have laminate flooring now). So we change her pajamas and put her in our bed for the night. Then she starts to throw up again. Luckily I stopped it from getting all over the bed. This time most of it ended up on Cailyn and a bit on my pillow. Well, Jason changed the pillow case and helped me get her ready for a bath. I bathed her, found new pajamas(again), and put her back in our bed. I then fell asleep and Jason sat up with a trash can in hand to help her to keep it cleaner next time. Then Jessica woke up to eat and when I came back to get in bed, Jason was asleep and my side of the bed was taken by a beautiful, sick 3 year old. So, I got into Cailyn's bed and about 6:00 that morning I heard Jessica throw-up in her bed. So, I changed her and put her into Cailyn's bed with me. The next day, Jason was exhausted at work and the girls and I took about a 4 hour nap, skipping breakfast and lunch.
The following morning I was up feeding Jessica and as soon as she was done eating, she threw it up all over me. That was about 4:00 am, but not too early for a shower that day. Jessica seemed to feel fine that day, so I thought we were over it. Not so. All day Saturday I felt a little weird, but tried to go about bussiness as usual. That night I got sick as well. All night long I was throwing up. It was about every hour - 2 hours. Today I am feeling some pains in my lower back. Almost like labor pains(for those of you who have delivered a baby).
Needless to say, I did not go to church today. Well, since Jessica is still breast-fed, she stayed home with me. She is having a great time today. She gets all the attention from Mommy and gets to play with some of Cailyn's toys without them being ripped from her hands.
I can tell that I am starting to recover. So I think that it is just a 24-hour bug. Thank goodness!
5 days ago
What a DEVASTATING experience! Throw up is one of those things that puts me over the edge. You are a great sport! I too hope you are feeling better now! It is no fun being sick!
Between you and Lynnae, I think I'm good on throw up stories for awhile. Sorry you had such a tough weekend. Happy Birthday Jason!
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