Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A Tribute to the Mothers in My Life: Part 5

If I had the choice of educating a boy or a girl, I would educate the
girl. If you educate a boy, you educate one, but if you educate a girl,
you educate a generation.
--Brigham Young

This quote is in honor of my maternal grandmother, Memema. She lost her husband in 1971, while she had 2 daughters at BYU and 3 children still at home. I am so impressed by her. You see, I lived in her house for 10 years growing up. I wouldn't say that she was the easiest person to get to know during those years, but she has grown to be one of my favorite people. I love to talk to her about what is going on in my life because she always seems to be so excited when my kids hit another milestone, AND she has a very insightful way of looking at things. Sometimes if feels like when I am struggling with a decision the light seems to have been turned on while talking to her and I can see the options more clearly. I value her as a grandmother, mother and friend.

Memema I love you and miss you terribly. Thank you for listening to me, laughing with me and helping me grow. You are truly a choice daughter of God. I love you and Happy Mother's Day!

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