Thursday, April 30, 2009

A quick update

David had his 2-month check-up/shots on Tuesday this week. He weighs 13 pounds 13 ounces now. He is growing pretty fast. He is in the 95% in weight, 90% in height and 75% for his head. He is big for his age. He has started smiling a lot more now and cooing when he is talked to. He still gets up at least once a night to eat, but is doing pretty well in that department. He is an absolute joy to have around, we LOVE him!

Ha Ha, I got daddy to sleep!
Jessica is and always has been our extreme child(some might say "Gropp" child). When she is happy, she is ecstatic. When she is upset, she is infuriated. She expresses herself pretty well. However, it is sometimes inappropriate. I am alright if she wants to throw a fit and scream, but when she starts biting, I draw the line. The other day she came up to me and put her head in my lap(I thought she wanted to give a love) and bit me really hard on my leg. I kicked my leg instinctively and she fell down hitting her head. I felt bad about kicking her, but I didn't really have control while she was biting me. She left an instant bruise. This bite was seemingly unprovoked but she was obviously upset about something. We have forgiven each other and all is well again(until the next bite). Good news though, she has been pacifier free for 2 days now. Hooray!
Cailyn is still my little helper. She loves David and is probably more excited than I am that he is smiling now. She is happy that he is staying awake more now and loves to play little games with him.
We are going to see if we qualify for pre-school on Monday. I am crossing my fingers because she is soooo ready to go. She needs more kid time and is ready to learn more without having to have mommy do it. She is just going to take off when she starts, but we will see if she can get in.
We have started playing games together after Jess goes to bed . We are practicing checkers and tic-tac-toe. We have played Old Maid once. She didn't like that one as much. I love this. Usually she is the only kid awake and we get to do this one-on-one. I think this will be a steady thing, because I need my Cailyn time. She is getting old enough that we can have real conversations and I am excited to see the kind of young woman she will be. I love her to pieces.
Jason and Cailyn are making a new quilt for Cailyn. She got to pick out the fabric and they are working together to make it. They have the top almost done, but the project has been put on hold until Jason gets his next test done. I will post pictures as soon as it is completed.


Steven & Adrienne said...

Cute cute pictures!!! I love his smile! And how fun that Jason is making a quilt with his daughter. And by the way you look great in your pictures, so happy and glowing just like a new mom!! :)

Jenny and Travis said...

These pictures of David are ADORABLE!! It's funny--with the first one, Travis and I were like "He totally looks like Chris" and with the second, "He so looks like his sisters!" What a handsome boy!! Thanks for the update on your family too. I love that Jason and Cailyn are making a quilt together--I know it will make some great memories for them, and also make a cute quilt that Cailyn will treasure forever. Love you guys! Jenny

Rachel Holloway said...

how fun!!! I AM JUST DYING that we can;t see that sweet baby right now!

And how fun that Jason and Cailyn are working on a quilt. That's so darn cute. Those Holloway boys have a way with their sewing machines. :)

David and Anita Holloway said...

Thanks for the update. We love seeing picturesof those adorable children. Give them hugs and kisses from Papa and Lita.

Waco Gropp said...

You two have beautiful children, it is nice to see that Jason working with his oldest. What a joy you five are.