***NO-I didn't wet my pants, so just get that out of your heads.***
So, the song starts and I realize that the volume on the keyboard(oh yeah, we don't have a real piano or organ-just a keyboard) was still set for prelude. Thinking I was cool enough to pull this off(why I thought this, I will never know?) I try to turn the volume up while playing a brand new song and instead I press the demo button. For those of you not familiar with keyboards, this is the button that plays the songs previously recorded on the keyboard. OK, so I am playing with a quiet keyboard and a totally different song is playing on top of that. Yeah, so the chorister turns around to look at me and everyone stops singing to stare(which is probably what I would have done). I frantically try to stop the sound, apologizing the entire time(most definitely bright red). I look around and most of the congregation is laughing(me included--the only graceful way to make a huge mistake like that right?) Once I got everything back to normal I explain what happened and say,"Well, we all need to do this song again anyway, right?" Giggling, we start again. I was mortified. The brother conducting the meeting stands to continue the meeting after the song and says,"Thank you Sister Holloway for making sure we are all awake. I have found that when you are sitting at the piano, organ, or in this case, a keyboard, there is nowhere to hide. You handled that much better than I would have." The meeting proceeds as normal from there. So, now it is your turn to share an embarrassing moment. Leave me a comment sharing something that you can always look back on and remember how embarrassed you felt.
1 month ago
How funny!!!!! I bet you will never forget that day.
I was interpreting ASL, as my calling, in the singles ward. (I was in no way qualified by the way) Anyway...I was interpreting in sacrament meeting and thinking that I was doing a descent job. When the meeting was over the deaf individual I was signing for told me that the sign I had done probably about 10 times was not what I thought it meant but, instead the f word!!!!!! I was horrified to say the least!!!!!!!!!!
TOTALLY FUNNY! I actually just had a HUMILIATING moment...a few Sundays ago I was sitting in R.S. and I could feel my skirt creeping up. So, I tugged at it as I lifted my rear end a little and completely pulled my skirt down. I felt TOTALLY stupid! :)
I am so glad you guys found us! This will be a good way to keep in touch. I can not believe how much has changed... Seems like you just had your first baby, but than again that was 2 years ago when I was serving in Mineral Wells! :)
How funny. My most embarassing moment was my junior year in college. I went with this guy I barely knew to the park to learn to play golf. He showed me how to hold the clubs and then said watch this, this is how you hit the ball. Remember he played in high school and also went golfing all the time. He aimed and then swung and held his hands over his eyes saying, " See there is the ball in the air. " At the same time, I looked at the ground and saw he had missed the ball...he cut right under it. I got to laughing so hard because he couldn't find the ball in the air and I knew where it was. When he finally found it, he said nothing. He just looked down and was silent. I laughed even harder and then got to laughing so hard, I wet my pants. Imagine telling a guy you barely know that he has to take you home after about 10 minutes. It was super EMBARRASSING!!!
Man, why couldn't you have waited to do that until we got there!!! How funny. I probably would have had to leave the room. When I get the giggles really bad in an inappropriate place they just never stop! I bet everyone loved it.
Hmmm...embarrasing moment. Funny enough I had a mini embarrasing moment this last Sunday as well. I was doing Sharing time with the younger group. I was trying to teach them about the Holy Ghost. I had a demonstration/game where I blindfolded a child and they were to try to get a sticker that I gave them in the center of a target across the room. Kinda like pin the tale on the donkey or darts. Anyway, as we went along I made it more challenging for them by spinning them around or placing something unexpected inbetween them and the goal. Then I allowed them to have a special helper that could guide them and help them if they would listen (aka Holy Ghost). So, I actually took the sticker out of the hand of the blindfolder child and told them they would have to get the sticker back. I stood near and held it out in my hand. Their "helper" guided them verbally in my direction. When the blind-folded kid got close to me she immediately held up both hands to start "feeling around" for the sticker, well I moved fast, but she wasn't near the sticker if you know what I mean. I was embarrased. To make it worse there were 2 men in the room that were actually paying attention. Why of all times??? I guess I will have to think these hair-brained ideas out a little better in the future.
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