I find myself in a weird place and I don't know what to do about it. I am trying to get back to life and move on from the nightmare I have lived for several months, but I don't know how. I am writing my posts and trying to keep them upbeat, yet I feel almost disrespectful to my Mom for doing so-OR I feel like it is somehow fake. Most of the time I can move from moment to moment just like normal, but if I stop to rehash the events of the past months I fall apart. Trials are supposed to make us stronger right? Why do I not feel that way? How do I move on? These are things I would usually talk to Mom about, but I can't. I do talk to Jason, but what do you say to someone who has just lost a parent or loved one? I can't even come up with something to say to my siblings, so how can I expect more from Jason. I do feel comfort that I have the knowledge of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that if I make good choices I can be with her again, but that seems so far away and I want her close right now. Hugs are always a good thing(sometimes just because the one hugging me can't see my ugly cry face).
As I stop and think of all my blessings, even through this trial, I am overwhelmed by the love shown me and my family. I think of the many people who are facing the same trial, but harder. I think of the pain that was spared my mother and the strength she showed to everyone around her as she lay on her death bed. She loved people and constantly cared for them in anyway possible. I pray that I can make her proud by standing for righteousness the way she did.
Most of all I love her dearly and miss her deeply.
1 month ago
I feel the exact same way. You can call me anytime to just "destress". I love you more than words can express. Keep your faith up.......I have been told it gets better. Love you!
I wish I knew what to say to help you feel better about everything. I may not know what to say but you know I am a great listener. You are welcome to call me anytime. I love you dearly and I am so greatful that we became friends so early in life. I wish we livid close enough that I could be of more help to you and give you the hugs and support you need.
Love ya,
I wish there was something I could do or say to somehow make it better. I absolutely do.
I DO know your mom, in her fullest of life, would NEVER want you to feel like LIVING and enjoying was disrespectful to her. She would want you to carry on with your head up high holding on to those precious little girls! It's okay to miss her...it's natural...it's part of life.
I wish so badly that there were something I could say or do to take away all the pain.
All I CAN say is that I love you so much. You are so special--hang in there.
Hang in there. Its okay to miss and greive for you mom, President Hinckley still got emotional 2 years after his wife died. I don't know what to say except that I love you and I am praying for you. Take it one day at a time and don't be afraid to call your friends...thats why we are here. :)
Love ya,
You had your mom with you for 29 years so it will take a long time to adjust to life without her. I am reading President Hinckley's biography, "Go Forward With Faith." He was in his early 20's when he lost his mother to breast cancer. I thought of you as I read of the emotional pain he experienced even years after her death. I admire your willingness to talk and express your feelings. Hopefully that will help with the grieving process. Hang in there! You are loved!
I can't say that I know how you feel (oh I wish I could), but I can tell you what I have learned from having lost a beloved grandfather:
It is ok to cry and it is ok to say exactly how you are feeling--it gives release and strength to do these things. (I realized years after my grandpa died that I never grieved for him, because no one in my family talked about it. Later, I wrote my feelings down in the form of a short story and spoke to Travis about it, and that has helped to both ease the sharpness of the pain and to remember my grandpa and the good times we shared. I still feel a tiny twinge of pain when I think or talk about my grandpa, but it is SO much less than before, and talking about him is so much easier now.) Talk to people about your feelings--you will feel so much better, and the people who listen will love you more and appreciate you for trusting yourself with them. Remember also that feelings are not right or wrong. They just are, we all have them, and we all get to work through them with the help of others. And like Cassie said, the pain doesn't ever fully go away, because we miss the ones we love. But it DOES ease, and thats what we can work towards. I think your mom would want you to do what you have to to take care of yourself, and know that you will be able to talk about her with a smile on your face in time. Know that both Travis and I are here for you and would love to do anything we can for you. We're always here. Love, Jenny
Mindi, I love you and feel for you deeply. I hope that what I have learned from my experiences can help you because helping to ease your pain is what I want above all things. Please call us if you ever need to. --Jenny
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