Thursday, March 13, 2008

They grow so fast

Jessica is table food now. She eats toast and eggs for breakfast, I only give her one jar of baby food for lunch(with more table food) and then for dinner she just eats some of what we are eating, within reason of course. I still breast feed, but she eats so much of the other she doesn't like it much anymore(I think it is mostly just because she feels she is missing out on whatever Cailyn is doing). She also has two 4 ounce bottles of diluted juice everyday. I just can't believe how fast they grow.
Her favorite right now is peas. Yay, a baby who loves veggies. She eats more than Cailyn does for dinner.

And naturally, a rinse in the sink comes with that.
What a fun little girl we have!


Rachel Holloway said...

They DO grow fast! She is looking SOOOO adorable! I LOVE the pic of her in the sink. She looks SO darn cute!

On Our List said...

Don't you love when they start eating table foods. Then you don't feel like a cook at a diner making different foods for differnt people at every meal. I am glad to see someone else washes their baby down in their kitchen sink. My husband thinks it is so weird.

Your baby is so cute!!! I love the pictures.

Love ya,

tina said...

I found your blog!! It is adorable. Your kids are so cute! Never a dull moment at your house I am sure.

Your favorite cousin

Cassie and Mark said...

She is adorable! I have tried and tried to get Megan to eat table food, but she hasn't totally converted yet! She's big on textures and won't chew food very well, so she's still mostly on table food. I wanted to let you know that the library play performance group was going several years ago, but they stopped, so one of my friends got it going again in October. The children's librarians are very supportive of us. It is a great way to get the community familiar with the library. Let me know if you have more questions.

landstromline said...

You are such a fun parent, I am so terrified of a mess, I sometimes still feed Isaiah, let alone almost always Elijah. Elijah loves veggies, but oddly enough, he hates fruit? Isn't that the strangest thing?

You have such a great eye for photography. I loved the pea's picture. We love you.