Friday, January 9, 2009

How who got skinny?

Is anyone else irritated by the magazines in the lines at the store about all these movie stars who got skinny? I am sorry, but most of them have never experienced anything BUT skinny. Do people really fall for that kind of advertising? Those women have never 'lost' their cute figure and yet they have some diet plan that worked for them. Yeah right! The only one I can relate to even a little is Oprah(even though she has more resources to lose weight than I do) because she can't seem to keep the weight off. Now THAT is normal! Please tell me I am not alone in this.


Rachel Holloway said...

totally agree!!!

Brittnee said...

Definitely not alone! I've fought for my weight my entire life and have never really been what was considered "socially acceptable" in the skinny department. The test I guess is to find a happy medium and be happy with who you are. That's what I'm working towards for like the millioneth time. Maybe this time. After David is born and if you have the time, try some of the Biggest Loser Workouts. They are totally kicking my butt into shape.

Julie Gropp said...

I agree. My personal favorite is the commercials for cellulite lotion with a 16 year old girl that weighs about 100 lbs and is dancing around like crazy. Am I supposed to believe that this product helped her? Yeah, right!

Jenny and Travis said...

I know, please. Plus, THEY can afford personal trainers, and who WOULDN'T lose weight if you had someone to tell you exactly what to do and what to eat all the time (and were further motivated by the amount of money you were paying this person)? The only magazine cover that actually has pulled me in is of some no-name who lost 5 dress sizes and is now 122 lbs--now THAT gives me a glimmer of hope. And another question: How ironic is it for me to be more motivated to loose wieght now, when I'm pregnant (and am just going to continue gaining wieght anyway), then when I'm not prego? Hopefully this drive to lose wieght and be healthy will continue long after baby comes. =) --Jenny

Tonia Bell said...


Steven & Adrienne said...


I get so sick of seeing all the ads and magazine pictures of stars who lost weight, when they already weighed 120 lbs. IT really makes an impact on my daughter, because I notice at the store, her and her brothers read the headlines and talk about which ones look big or not. So you are not alone. I am so frustrated to have to reverse everything she sees, beause what I teach her about beauty is taught differently by the media.

Jenny and Travis said...

So, I'm not so crazy. I just went to my regular prego checkup today, and my Dr. told me that it is EASIER to loose any extra wieght WHILE you're pregnant than after the baby comes. So, I guess now IS the perfect time to kick myself into gear and slim down a little (which, awkwardly, is exactly what my doctor recommended; oh well). Here's to the numbers on the scale going down starting NOW, for MY sake. =) --Jenny

Anonymous said...

I know!!! Those ads are sooooo untrue!!!