Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Lamp

My mother gave us this lamp and we love it. Cailyn doesn't care for the dark so she likes to turn it on to go to sleep. It is really pretty cool because the fish swim one way while the background turns the other direction. The only problem is that Cailyn and Jessica share a room and Jessica has a hard time falling asleep when there is light in the room. We usually put Jess down first and when she is asleep put Cailyn down, but lately Cailyn has needed to go down at the same time. This is a problem. She is pretty good about going down without light as long as there is a light on in the hall, but it is in the middle of the night that causes the problem. If Cailyn wakes up she gets scared and turns the light on. Well, if Jess then wakes up she thinks that it is time to get up and play. So, we go in and turn off the light and then Cailyn ends up crawling into bed with us. Then I have issues because #1 I don't want that to become a habit because that is our bed. #2 I have a hard enough time sleeping right now and she is such a bed hog that I can't sleep when she is there. This morning I ended up in her bed waiting for Jessica to wake up.
Do you see the dilemma? I am not sure what the solution is. Help!
Today's Blessing: Functioning legs, think about it--What would you do without them?


Steven & Adrienne said...

Maybe a flashlight would work, but she may be too young to work one. But I know that is what we did for our Benny because Byron was going nuts with the lights on. Or if you can find a cool night light that she can pick out and maybe it will be bright enough, even during the night that she won't get scared. But I am with you on teh bed thing....my bed is for Steve and I, and I cannot sleep with the kids in it, just not enough room...because I am a bed hog! :) Good Luck

Jenny and Travis said...

What a sweet lamp! And yes, thank goodness for legs!